Your Materials Deserve the Best Crews & Installers

The #1 job platform for skilled labor.




Builders and General Contractors


Trades and 127 Specializations


Markets Across the Nation

The Job Board That Works As Hard As You Do

Reduce your time to hire; 85% job posters found the right candidate in less than 7 days
Scale into new markets and grow your revenue
Expand your network and deepen your bench

Trusted by 50,000+ local builders and national brands

Take Control of Your Career and Start Today!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is ToolBelt? How does it work?

ToolBelt is a digital platform that connects contractors and builders with skilled tradespeople for their construction projects. It streamlines the process of finding, vetting, and hiring skilled labor across various trades.

Contractors can post their project requirements on ToolBelt, and the platform matches them with suitable candidates based on skills, experience, and location. Tradespeople create comprehensive profiles showcasing their expertise, allowing contractors to evaluate and select the best fit for their needs.

Is there a cost to use ToolBelt?

What locations does ToolBelt serve?

What makes ToolBelt different from other job boards?

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